But wait, fantasy scenario! You are forgetting about "Nothin' Shakin'" from the incredible Beatles At The BBC compilation. This recording suggests that George could hang with the best and would have been a monster solo artist in the early 1960s. He owns this song. The fact that the Beatles didn't cut this for one of their albums is nothing more than pure, disgusting jealousy for the youngest Beatle. Get over it, John, Paul, and Ringo. Let George have his fun!
Robert Bunter: George had such a unique voice. What kind of accent is that? He doesn't sound like the rest of the Beatles, really. It's subtle. Kind of thick and phlegmy. Here's a question for you, Furnstein: what are you doing listening to this on Beatles At The BBC? Did you lose the copy of Rockin' At The Star Club 1962 that I burned for you? That version is so patently superior that to argue about it would be the height of folly on your part.
Richard Furnstein: I've been pwned! The lead guitar on the Star Club version is a loving testament to the power of cheap amphetamines and crooked nosed German prostitutes. The lead surf guitar absolutely dominates that recording.
old brown shoe